Yard Spot, a new yard management system powered by Splice, combines multiple data sources to create a single, real-time operating picture.
Formerly Splyc, Splice is changing the spelling of its name to better reflect its ability to weave data and applications together.
Norfolk, Virginia, September 9, 2021 – Today Splice announced the launch of Yard Spot, its integrated yard management system application built on the foundation of Splice. The cloud-based application combines numerous sources of data in a common operating view to reduce turn-times, avoid detention fees, and increase productivity of container yards.

Yard Spot displays location data from global positioning system (GPS) and electronic logging devices (ELD), operational data from transportation management systems and terminals, and real-time locations from fixed and mobile cameras. The integration of disparate data sources provides a complete picture of the yard to find equipment quickly and simply, and it helps prioritize movements for dispatch operations.
“Yard Spot enters the market when efficient yard management is essential,” said Kevin Speers, CEO of Splice. “Its benefits extend well beyond knowing where equipment is. Yard Spot helps retain precious truck power, reduce equipment-late fees and alleviate yard congestion.”
Yard Spot’s visual representation of yards has numerous benefits:
Know where containers and equipment are in real time to allow trucks in and out of your facility quickly.
Prioritize dispatch movements to reduce per diem and detention fees by having last free day, gate in/out, empty/full mapped to the location of equipment.
Audit the yard from anywhere, anytime and use the common operating view to see potential problems and immediately solve them.
“Yard Spot is powered by Splice’s integration platform, and it shows how we can stack applications that otherwise cannot talk to each other to build an altogether new tool,” said Chris Ruddick, COO of Splice. “Splice is continually adding integrations that will strengthen Yard Spot and our overall ability to improve supply chain logistics. Splice can integrate EDI, APIs, sensors, and IoT devices, which opens a whole new level of visibility, analytics and automation for Yard Spot users."
Additionally, Splice announced that it has changed the spelling of its name. “The magic of Splice is analogous to splicing rope. We take existing applications and data and weave them together to make something stronger and more useful for supply chain and logistics operations,” said Speers. “The name highlights many facets of our value, and by using the accepted spelling of splice, we can better articulate the benefits of our solutions.” Formerly written as Splyc, the company is rolling out updates to its visual identity and branding. Learn more about Splice at www.splice-it.com.
For more information about Yard Spot, visit www.splice-it.com/yard-spot.